Updating a SORMAS Server
SORMAS releases starting from 1.21.0 contain a script that automatically updates and deploys the server. If you are using an older version and therefore need to do a manual server update, please download the 1.21.0 release files and use the commands specified in the server-update.sh script.
Get the latest release files (deploy.zip) from Release v1.100.1 ยท SORMAS-Foundation/SORMAS-Project
Unzip the archive and copy/upload its contents to /root/deploy/sormas/$(date +%F)
cd /root/deploy/sormas SORMAS_VERSION=1.y.z wget https://github.com/sormas-foundation/SORMAS-Project/releases/download/v${SORMAS_VERSION}/sormas_${SORMAS_VERSION}.zip unzip sormas_${SORMAS_VERSION}.zip mv deploy/ $(date +%F) rm sormas_${SORMAS_VERSION}.zip
Breaking Updates
The following is a list of version that have breaking changes in the update. You only have to consider this if you are coming from an earlier version. For fresh installs, this is not relevant.
Coming from 1.66.4 or earlier, you have to update the payara server, as explained in the Payara migration.
Deploying this release will clear the userrolesconfig and userrole_userrights tables and overwrite them with the default user role configurations of SORMAS. If you added entries to these tables in order to customize the user roles on your system, please run the following queries before deploying this release in order to prevent data loss:
-- Retrieve all customized roles
SELECT * FROM userrolesconfig;
-- Overridden rights for roles
SELECT c.userrole, ur.userright FROM userroles_userrights ur LEFT JOIN userrolesconfig c (ON c.id = ur.userrole_id);
After deploying the new version, the information retrieved from these queries can be used to alter the new user role configurations accordingly.
The temporal tables extension is replaced during the deployment of the backend. As a preparation the following SQL needs to be executed on the SORMAS database using the postgres user.
-- versioning function will be replaced during server backend startup
ALTER FUNCTION public.versioning() OWNER TO sormas_user;
After the successful deployment, you can run the following SQL to get rid of the no longer used extension:
Payara is updated from 5.2021.10 to 5.2022.5. If you are not using SORMAS-Docker, please follow the Payara migration guide.
When installing this version on new systems or upgrading postgres version on Ubuntu make sure you have at least Ubuntu LTS 20 with postgres 14 (or 18 with postgres 12 from APT).
Automatic Server Update
Navigate to the folder containing the unzipped deploy files:
cd /root/deploy/sormas/$(date +%F)
Make the update script executable:
chmod +x server-update.sh
Optional: Open server-update.sh in a text editor to customize the values for e.g. the domain path or the database name. You only need to do this if you used custom values while setting up the server.
Execute the update script and follow the instructions:
If anything goes wrong, open the latest update log file (by default located in the "update-logs" folder in the domain directory) and check it for errors.
Restoring the Database
If anything goes wrong during the automatic database update process when deploying the server, you can use the following command to restore the data:
pg_restore --clean -U postgres -Fc -d sormas_db sormas_db_....dump
Default Logins
These are the default users for most user roles, intended to be used on development or demo systems. In all cases except the admin user, the username and password are identical. Make sure to deactivate them or change the passwords on productive systems.
Username: admin
Password: sadmin
Web users
Surveillance Supervisor: SurvSup Case Supervisor: CaseSup Contact Supervisor: ContSup Point of Entry Supervisor: PoeSup Laboratory Officer: LabOff Event Officer: EveOff National User: NatUser National Clinician: NatClin
Mobile app users
Surveillance Officer: SurvOff Hospital Informant: HospInf Point of Entry Informant: PoeInf
Updating Keycloak
Standalone installation
Follow the official Keycloak upgrade guide.
To update follow this steps:
Backup the DB
Backup the current Keycloak configuration
Download the 18.0.1 zip from downloads
Extract everything from the archive somewhere on your disk (will call this
From you current installation (will call this
) directory copy the following into the new installation
Copy directory
over toKEYCLOAK_HOME_NEW/themes
over toKEYCLOAK_HOME_16/providers
Setup Keycloak to use the Database
Start Keycloak
Database will be migrated automatically
Docker installation
The docker installation is automatically upgraded to the latest version specified in the Dockerfile.
Prerequisites: Make sure the DB is backed up, because once the upgrade is done the new DB won't be usable with the old version of Keycloak.
For more info see the Keycloak Docker Documentation.
How to migrate to new Payara Server
Step 1: Shutdown and backup existing domain
Step 2: Setup Payara domain
Please follow the server setup: Create the payara domain under the same path as before, use the same directory paths and the same database settings.
Step 3: Apply your config file changes
Transfer your settings from sormas.properties
, logback.xml
or changes in the domain setup. Use the new provided files and copy your changes in, don't reuse old files!
Step 4: Install new SORMAS version
To install the new SORMAS version in the Payara domain, proceed with the automatic update or for developers: Deploy SORMAS via the IDE as usual.
Alternative for development systems
For minor updates of the payara version, you will most often be able to keep the existing domain and only replace the payara server.
Download the needed version of Payara server.
Undeploy all sormas modules from the payara domain and stop the domain.
Replace your payara server in
(default path) with the downloaded one. Remove the default domain inopt/payara5/glassfish/domains
as it is not needed.Replace the application server in your IDE with the new server. See IDE setup guide
If you are facing any problems, restart your IDE and clean all generated files from the sormas domain.