
The immunization module offers you the possibility to clearly record and manage immunizations through vaccinations, recoveries or other means.

List of immunizations

You can access the immunization directory by clicking on the "Immunizations" tab.



Like all entity directories, this one also consists of a filter area, a table in which the entities are listed, and an area in which new immunizations can be created.



The directory can be filtered according to the following information:

·        Illness

·        ID, name, telephone number, e-mail

·        Year of birth

·        Month of birth

·        Day of birth

·        Means of immunization

o   Vaccination

o   Recovery

o   Vaccination / recovery

o   Miscellaneous

·        Management status

o   Planned

o   Ongoing

o   Completed

o   Canceled

·        Immunization status

o   Pending

o   Acquired

o   Not acquired

o   Expired

The following additional filters can be applied by clicking on "Show more filters":

·        Federal state

·        County / independent city

·        Municipality

·        Furnishing category

·        Type of facility

·        Furnishings

·        Only show persons with overdue immunization

·        By date

o   Immunization reference date

o   Immunization Reporting date from ...

o   ... to

·        After Epi Week

o   Immunization reference date

o   New immunization of Epi Week ...

o   ... until Epi Week


To filter the directory according to the desired information, you must click "Apply filter". All filter information entered can be deleted by clicking "Reset filter".


Table of immunizations

The table of immunizations lists all (or the filtered) immunization entities. The following information is presented for each immunization:

·        Immunization ID

·        Personal ID

·        First name

·        Surname

·        Illness

·        Age and date of birth

·        Gender

·        County / independent city

·        Means of immunization

·        Management status

·        Immunization status

·        Start date

·        End date

·        Type of last vaccine

·        Date of recovery


The table can be sorted by all columns by clicking on the column heading. Click again to sort the table in reverse order. Both the immunization ID and the person ID have hyperlinks that lead to the respective entities.

The immunization entity

The immunization entity has two tabs, Immunization and Person.


All immunization information can be found under this tab. Information on editing this information can be found under Editing an immunization. You can find the following information in this tab:


·        Immunization ID

·        Reporting user

·        External ID

·        Reporting date

·        Illness

·        Means of immunization

·        Means of immunization Details

·        Overwrite immunization management status

o   Management status

o   Immunization status

·        Previous infection with this disease

o   Date of last infection

·        Further information

·        Responsible federal state

·        Responsible district / independent city

·        Responsible municipality

·        Furnishing category

·        Type of facility

·        Furnishings

·        Start date

·        End date

·        Valid from

·        Valid until

·        Number of vaccinations

·        Table of vaccinations

·        Date of the first positive test result

·        Date of recovery

·        Immunization country


If "Previous infection" is selected with "Yes", the "Date of last infection" field appears. The start and end dates refer to the period in which the immunization took place. The validity dates refer to the validity of the immunization. Depending on which means of immunization was selected, the areas Vaccination and/or Recovery as well as the field "Means of immunization details" appear. You can find more information on this in the sections Vaccination as a means of immunization, Recovery as a means of immunization and Other as a means of immunization.


The Person tab, as with other entities, shows all details about the person linked to the immunization.

Working with immunizations

Creating an immunization

A new immunization can be created by clicking on "New immunization" either in the immunization directory or in other entities.


The form for creating the immunization will then open. You can enter the following information in it:

·        Reporting date

·        External ID

·        Illness

·        Means of immunization

·        Overwrite immunization management status

o   Immunization management status

·        Responsible federal state

·        Responsible district / independent city

·        Responsible municipality

·        Furnishing category

·        Type of facility

·        Furnishings

·        Start date

·        End date

·        Valid from

·        Valid until

·        First name

·        Last name

·        Date of birth (year / month / day)

·        Gender

·        Health insurance number

·        Passport number

·        Current condition of the person

·        Primary telephone number

·        Primary e-mail address

If vaccination alone or in combination with recovery was selected as the means of immunization, the "Number of vaccinations" field also appears. If you select "Other" as the means of immunization, the field "Means of immunization details" appears. You can find more information on this in the The management status can only be edited if you have ticked the "Override immunization management status" box. You can find more information on the management status and the immunization status in the Management status and Immunization status sections. After entering the data, click on Save. The immunization can then be found in the system.

Processing an immunization

To edit an immunization, it must be opened by clicking on the immunization ID. You can then switch between the two tabs "Immunization" and "Person", as shown in the section The immunization entity. All changes you make to the immunization or the person must be saved by clicking "Save" before leaving the tab. Most of the fields are freely editable. However, there are some special features which are explained below.

Management status and immunization status

Both management status and immunization status help you to better categorize and manage immunizations. Unless overwritten, the management status is calculated automatically. The following conditions apply to the individual categories:




The current date is before the start date of the immunization or the current date is after the start date or is identical to it and the number of vaccinations is 0.


The current date is after or identical to the start date and the number of vaccinations is at least 1. The number of vaccinations must be less than the number of expected vaccinations.


The number of vaccinations is equal to the number of expected vaccinations


Can only be entered manually by overwriting.

 The categories of immunization status cannot be overwritten and are determined according to the following conditions:




The management status is "Planned" or "Ongoing"


The management status is "Completed"

Not acquired

The management status is "Canceled"


The current date is after the Valid to date

By clicking on the "Overwrite immunization management status" checkbox, the Management status field becomes editable. You can choose between the four categories "Planned", "Ongoing", "Completed" and "Canceled". The immunization status is then recalculated according to the conditions already mentioned above.

Vaccination as a means of immunization

If a vaccination alone or in combination with a recovery is the means of immunization, the Number of vaccinations field appears on the one hand and a table containing a list of the vaccinations received is displayed on the other. The following data is presented in the table:

·        Vaccination ID

·        Vaccination date

·        Vaccine name

·        Vaccine manufacturer

·        Vaccine type

·        Vaccination dose


All vaccinations can be edited by clicking on the pen and paper symbol. New vaccinations can be added by clicking on "New entry".

The form for the vaccinations is called up. You can enter the following information in the form:

·        Reporting date

·        Vaccination date

·        Vaccine name

·        Vaccine manufacturer

·        Vaccine type

·        Vaccination information source

·        Vaccine dose

·        INN

·        UNII code

·        Batch number

·        ATC code

·        Pregnant


You also have the option of specifying the following pre-existing conditions:

·        Diabetes

·        Immunodeficiency, including HIV

·        Liver disease

·        Cancer

·        Chronic lung disease

·        Kidney disease

·        Chronic neurological/neuromuscular disease

·        Cardiovascular disease including hypotension

·        Additional relevant pre-existing conditions


After entering the data, you must confirm this by clicking on Done, the vaccination is now visible in the "Vaccinations" table.

Recovery as a means of immunization

If recovery alone or in combination with a vaccination is the means of immunization, the Recovery section appears. The date of the first positive test result and the date of recovery can be entered here.

Other as a means of immunization

If you select Other as the means of immunization, a further field called "Means of immunization details" appears in which you can enter further information on the means of immunization.

Deleting or archiving an immunization

If you want to delete or archive an immunization, you must open the immunization by clicking on the immunization ID. Select the desired action at the bottom of the "Immunization" tab. You will then be asked to confirm the action again. After confirmation, the immunization is deleted or archived accordingly.

Linking immunizations to other entities

It is possible to link an immunization to other entities (cases, contacts, event participants or persons entering the country). This happens automatically when you click on "New immunization" in the Immunization section within one of these entities and create the immunization in this way. You can find out more about this in the Create an immunization section. There is a second option if a recovery has been selected as the means of immunization. In this case, you can use the "Link case" button to search directly for an existing case whose data will be transferred. You can find out more about recovery in the section Recovery as a means of immunization.

Data contained in immunization entity

In the following table you will find a list of the variables contained in the immunization with the corresponding field names:


Field name


Immunization ID


External ID


Reporting date


Reporting user

this nose



Means of immunization


Means of immunization Details


Overwrite immunization management status


Management status


Immunization backlog


Previous infection with this disease


Date of last infection


Further information


Responsible federal state


Responsible district / independent city


Responsible municipality


Furnishing category


Type of facility




Start date


End date


Valid from


Valid until


Date of the first positive test result


Date of recovery


Immunization country


Linked case


List of linked vaccinations

In the following table you will find a list of the variables contained in the vaccination with the corresponding field names:


Field name


Reporting date


Reporting user


Vaccination date


Vaccine name


Vaccine name details


Vaccine manufacturer


Vaccine type


Vaccination information source


Vaccine dose




UNII code


Batch number


ATC code






Immunodeficiency, including HIV


Liver disease




Chronic lung disease


Kidney disease


Chronic neurological/neromuscular disease


Cardiovascular disease including hypertension


Additional relevant previous illness