The project consists of the following modules:
sormas-api: General business logic and definitions for data exchange between app and server
sormas-app: The Android app
sormas-backend: Server entity services, facades, etc.
sormas-base: Base project that also contains build scripts
sormas-cargoserver: Setup for a local dev server using maven-cargo
sormas-e2e-performance-tests: Automated performance tests addressing the ReST interface (sormas-rest)
sormas-e2e-tests: Automated frontend tests addressing sormas-ui and API tests against sormas-rest. The API steps are partly used to prepare data for UI tests.
sormas-ear: The ear needed to build the application
sormas-keycloak-service-provider: Custom Keycloak SPI for SORMAS
sormas-rest: The REST interface; see
sormas-serverlibs: Dependencies to be deployed with the payara server
sormas-ui: The web application
sormas-widgetset: The GWT widgetset generated by Vaadin
sormas-e2e-tests: Automated tests addressing the sormas-ui, and the ReST interface